Watch Out for Jumping Insects!

A cricket looking at the camera

It only takes a bug jumping once for you to remember a detail like that for the rest of your life.

Insects that jump are unpleasant, but it’s even worse if they’re allowed to take over your home. Some of the most stubborn among them, like fleas, prove difficult to kick out once they’ve set up base in your house.

That’s why Dewey Pest Control wants to inform you about all manner of small jumping bugs and empower you in the various ways you can take action today to cut down their numbers. Fortunately, with the right tools and strategies, you can go from flustered to pest-free without breaking a sweat.

House Insects That Jump

At least these don’t fly. Still, we understand the frustration and confusion around what insects jump and how you’re expected to deal with each of them. That’s why we want to take a moment to go down the list of some of the most common small jumping bugs you’re likely to find and our preferred way to deal with all of them.


Fleas are tiny, bloodsucking insects that can infest your home and are a particular nuisance if you have any pets.

To properly eradicate fleas, you need to start at the food source: your animal. That doesn’t mean you need to get rid of your beloved pet, but it does mean you should start treating them with flea-prevention medication immediately. Some flea collars will also help deter them from making a meal out of your cat or dog.

Once that’s done, perform a deep vacuum of your home, paying special attention to areas where your pets spend time and anything with a white carpet or fabric surface, as fleas are drawn to light colors.

Use flea control products such as sprays or foggers to make your home intolerable to them, reducing the chance of an infestation. If you find any fleas on your pet or in your home, collect them and dispose of them in an outside trash can, as they might have eggs that will spread if disposed of indoors.


a cricket sitting on wood flooring

You probably don’t need us to tell you what it looks like for a cricket to jump. It’s their only real way of getting around. Unfortunately, these nocturnal insects can become a nuisance in and around your home during the warmer months, so you may need to employ strategies to discourage them from making your home their home.

Start by removing food sources like stray crumbs, wiping down surfaces, sweeping, and vacuuming. They are also drawn to standing water for drinking, so make sure to clean those up as well. Without a food and water source, your home offers them no reason to stick around. Seal any cracks or openings around your home to prevent crickets from entering.

Crickets are drawn to light, so if you find them collecting outside your home, reduce your outdoor lighting and close your curtains or window shades. If the infestation persists, spray the perimeter of your home with cricket-specific insecticides to drive them away.


These small, silvery insects may be wingless, but that doesn’t mean they’re grounded, as they have been known to have a vertical jump of up to two feet, making them one of the most mobile house insects that jump. These little pests enjoy damp, dark areas, so you’ll generally find them in basements, attics, kitchens, and bathrooms.

To deal with silverfish, reduce their access to moisture by improving ventilation throughout your home, setting up dehumidifiers in damp areas, and fixing any leaks. Store food, paper, and other common silverfish feeding products in containers to make your home seem less appetizing.

Silverfish are resistant to most bug sprays, but you can apply adhesive traps or drive them away with natural remedies like diatomaceous earth sprinkled around the openings of your home.


An earwig climbing on a wooden post

When asking, “What insects jump?” earwigs aren’t usually the first things that come to mind. Earwigs are nocturnal insects with distinctive pincers on their abdomens. You might find them scurrying through your cupboards in search of food. While they have wings, they mostly use those wings to leap distances or break their fall.

First start by eliminating their nearby hiding spots (usually outdoors) such as leaves, mulch, and wood. Seal cracks and openings in your home’s foundation or walls to prevent entry, and invest in a door brush seal if you haven’t already. Earwigs are susceptible to a variety of common insecticides, baits, and traps formulated to control their population, which you’ll be able to find in any large hardware store.

Fortunately, earwigs are fairly large relative to fleas, so they won’t be able to hide as easily as smaller pests.

Brown-Banded Cockroaches

As with all cockroaches, our greatest concern is the health concern they represent by carrying around diseases. It’s made worse by the fact that these small, light-brown insects have the capacity to jump short distances.

As with every entry so far, you’d be remiss not to take the time to adequately seal cracks, gaps, and openings in your home to prevent entry, but also apply cockroach baits and traps liberally around your home, especially your kitchen. Any compact, dark space is a cockroach’s ideal navigation space, so set up some adhesive traps under your oven, in your cupboards, or behind your refrigerator to slowly whittle down their numbers.

While cockroaches are jumping insects notoriously resistant to many insecticides, the formulas continue to grow stronger, and there are many highly potent chemicals made specifically to take down cockroaches.

Eliminate Small Jumping Bugs With Dewey Pest Control

From little fleas to large crickets and beyond, Dewey Pest Control understands how upsetting it can be when you encounter a bug that is hard to get your hands on and how much worse it is when your pets are involved.

That’s why we’ve devised service measures for dealing with each of the above-mentioned jumping insects as well as dozens of other pests, all in the interest of keeping you, your family, your pets, and your household safe and unbothered by any nuisances.

If you’ve found yourself combating an infestation that doesn’t seem to relent, Dewey would like to take a swing. Give us a call for a quote or to talk to one of our professional service agents about whatever pest problem plagues you.

We’ve built a reputation for success, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!

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