Health Risks Spread by Rats

Two rodent climbing through a fence

Rats are a common problem in many households and can pose a variety of health concerns when left unchecked. Whether you’re dealing with a rat infestation in your home or workplace, it’s important to take action quickly to prevent further health issues. In this post, we’ll discuss the various diseases rats carry along with health concerns that come with letting a rat problem go on too long and how to prevent and get rid of these pesky rodents. Additionally, we’ll discuss how Dewey Pest Control can help eliminate rodents in any of their California locations.

Health Concerns Associated With Rats

A rat licking food off a plate

What diseases do rats carry? Rats are known to carry a variety of diseases, which can be transmitted to humans through their urine, feces, and saliva. Some of the most common health concerns associated with rats include:

  • This rat disease is a respiratory illness caused by exposure to the droppings, urine, or saliva of infected rodents. Symptoms include fever, muscle aches, coughing, and shortness of breath.
  • This is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans through contact with water or soil contaminated with rat urine. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and muscle aches.
  • Rat bite fever. This is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans through a bite or scratch from an infected rodent. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and muscle aches.
  • This is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans through contact with contaminated food or water. Rats can carry and spread this bacteria through their droppings.
  • This is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans through contact with infected fleas, which can be carried by rats. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, and swollen lymph nodes.

In addition to these rat diseases, rats can also cause physical damage to buildings, homes, and other structures. They can chew through wires and insulation, cause structural damage, and contaminate food and water sources.

Preventing and Getting Rid of Rats

A rat standing on a ledge

The best method of rat prevention is to keep your home or workplace clean and tidy. This includes storing food in airtight containers, sealing cracks and holes in walls and floors, and keeping garbage in tightly sealed containers. It’s also important to keep yards and outdoor areas clean and free of debris, as rats can use these areas for nesting. Being proactive and taking measures to keep rats out is the best approach when determining how to prevent them from entering your home or business.

If you suspect you have a rat problem, it’s important to take action quickly. There are a variety of ways to get rid of rats, including:

  • Snap traps. These are the classic traps most people think of when it comes to catching rats or mice. They come in a variety of styles, from simple wooden boards with a trigger and metal bar intended to be discarded once a rat is caught to more expensive models that can be used multiple times. There are even high-tech models that will send a notice to your cell phone when a rat has been caught.
  • A more indirect method is to place poison in areas where you’ve observed signs of rat activity. Poisons come in various types, including blocks and pellets, and can often be placed in a special housing. Care must be taken when utilizing poisons so that children and animals cannot access them. Poison can also be harmful to any wild animals that may eat a poisoned rat.
  • Catch-and-release traps. If you prefer a more humane method, catch-and-release traps are an option. These traps contain a pressure plate on which you place your bait. When the rat steps on the plate, the doors of the trap will close, trapping the rat inside. You can then take the trap to a new location to release your rodent prisoner. Choose a remote space away from residential areas so the rat doesn’t invite itself into someone else’s home, but be sure to choose an area that provides sources of food and water to maximize the rat’s chances of survival.
  • Exclusion is an important aspect of rodent control because it helps to prevent rodents from entering a structure in the first place, rather than just trying to remove them after they have already infested the area. By sealing up entry points and gaps in walls, floors, and roofs, you can keep rodents out of your home or building and reduce the likelihood of a serious infestation.

Professional pest control services can also be an effective way to get rid of rats. These services use safe and effective methods to eliminate rodents and prevent further infestations. Additionally, professional pest control services can provide tips and recommendations for preventing future infestations.

Dewey Pest Control and Rodent Elimination

Dewey Pest Control is a trusted pest control company with locations throughout California. They specialize in a variety of pest control services, including rodent elimination. Dewey Pest Control uses safe and effective methods to eliminate rodents and prevent future infestations. Their technicians are highly trained and knowledgeable and can provide tips and recommendations for keeping your home or workplace free of rats and other pests.

Dewey Pest Control is an expert in rodent exclusion services. Our experience identifying rodent entry points and offering services that include sealing gaps around doors and windows, repairing holes in walls and floors, and installing screens or other barriers to prevent rodents from entering. By combining exclusion techniques with other rodent control measures, such as trapping and baiting, you can effectively reduce the population of rodents in your home or building and prevent them from causing damage or spreading disease.

One of the benefits of using Dewey Pest Control for rodent elimination is their commitment to using safe and eco-friendly methods. They use products and methods that are safe for pets and children and are committed to reducing their environmental impact. With nearly 100 years of experience in the pest control field, you can count on Dewey Pest Control to handle your rat problem in an effective and professional manner.

Don’t Wait—Call Dewey Today

If you have or suspect you have a rat infestation, it’s important to act quickly to contain the situation, as it can swiftly spiral out of control. Rats reach sexual maturity between eight and 12 weeks of age, and females go into heat every four to five days. Rats have a short gestation period of roughly three weeks and can give birth to over a dozen babies at a time. This means that two rats reproducing can quickly multiply into dozens and then hundreds of rats. While home remedies are available, there is no guarantee of their success. If you’re in California and want to ensure that your rat problem is handled by people with the skills and expertise to effectively control rodents, contact Dewey Pest Control today!

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