Debunking Common Myths About Wasps

A wasp gathers nectar from delicate white flowers.

Debunking Common Myths About Wasps

Many common wasp misconceptions arise each spring when we begin to see their strange, angular bodies buzzing around. It’s easy to assume they are aggressive, will sting just by being nearby, and serve no purpose outside of invading your picnic or backyard barbecue. These beliefs are misconceptions that we aim to address!

At Dewey Pest and Termite Control, we’re ready to debunk common myths about wasps and provide accurate information on these creatures for safer coexistence.

Myth #1: All Wasps Are Aggressive

Are Wasps Aggressive?

Wasps are highly territorial, which is why many people may view them as aggressive. However, aggressive wasp behavior is quite rare and usually linked to defending their territory and food. Perceived threats and sudden movements, such as swatting, trigger their defensive behaviors.

That being said, wasps do typically exhibit greater aggression and defensiveness when compared to bees. This is mainly due to their role as predators that actively hunt other insects for sustenance. Their fierce hunting behavior makes them seem more alarming.

Myth #2: All Wasps Die After Stinging

Do Wasps Die After They Sting?

Wasps don’t die after stinging—their stingers remain intact, allowing them to defend themselves repeatedly. Unlike honeybees, which lose their barbed stingers and die after delivering a single sting, wasps have smooth, retractable stingers that they use throughout their lives.

Myth #3: Wasps Serve No Purpose in the Ecosystem

Ecological Benefits of Wasps

Wasps are among the world’s most important pollinators. They contribute to healthy biodiversity and ecological balance, and over 75% of crops cultivated by humans depend at least partly on their pollination activities.

In addition to helping plants reproduce, these flying insects serve as nature’s pest controllers. They are the primary predators of harmful insects that threaten crops, such as aphids and many other pests.

Myth #4: Wasps Are Just Bees With Bad Attitudes

An isolated wasp sits on a green leaf.

Wasp Behavior Facts

Bees and wasps exhibit distinct behaviors that reflect their unique species and priorities. Bees tend to be gentler and focus on pollination, prioritizing the health of their colonies. In contrast, wasps are more territorial and assertive, reacting aggressively to perceived threats.

While both will sting if they feel endangered, bees do so defensively, whereas wasps are far more likely to be confrontational toward people or animals that get too close to them.

Wasps play a dual role as both pollinators and predators. They feed on nectar, pollen, and sugars while also hunting spiders, flies, roaches, and crickets to nourish their young. By doing so, they help regulate populations of harmful insects, including leaf- and seed-eating pests like tomato hornworms.

Myth #5: You Should Destroy Every Wasp Nest You See

What Do I Do When I Find a Wasp’s Nest?

Wasp nests are often in concealed, hard-to-spot locations, making it difficult to see as they grow and the colony expands. When these nests are situated in high-traffic areas, such as near your front door or in the backyard tree where your children play, they pose a serious danger. Quick or erratic movements near the nest may trigger wasps’ defensive instincts, leading them to attack.

You can use several natural methods to control wasps, such as planting aromatic herbs like spearmint, thyme, citronella, and eucalyptus. If you have growing concerns about wasps around your backyard, the best way to deal with them is to call professional wasp control services.

Coexist With Wasps Peacefully With Help From Dewey Pest and Termite Control

We hope our wasp myth-busting can help foster a better understanding of these insects. While learning more about wasps may help you become less fearful of them, there are still situations where you need to address their presence around your property.

If you find a wasp nest larger than your fist, located in a high-traffic area, hard to reach, if you’re allergic to wasp stings, or if the wasps seem aggressive, contact Dewey Pest and Termite Control. Our residential pest control and commercial pest control can safely remove the nest from your home or business.

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