Common Spider Misconceptions and Myths

A close-up of a large house spider in a wash basin sink in a home.

Common Spider Misconceptions and Myths

With their scary appearance, it’s easy to see why so many myths about spiders have come up throughout the years. By separating fact from fiction, you can get the information you need to properly remove your spider problem and block out future issues. Allow our team at Dewey Pest and Termite Control to help debunk five common myths and misconceptions about spiders.

1. All Spiders Are Dangerous

One common misconception is that all spiders are dangerous to humans. This is false and far from the reality. Most spiders are harmless, and many are actually beneficial to the environment as they feed on insects that commonly eat garden plants. However, that doesn’t mean you should not be cautious if you see a spider, as many species are venomous and can harm humans, including black widows.

2. All Spiders Make Webs

Another common myth about spiders is they all make webs to catch their prey. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the case. For example, wolf spiders do not make webs but instead actively hunt their prey. While the presence of webs can indicate a spider problem, that doesn’t mean a lack of webs in your home means you’re in the clear from a spider infestation.

3. People Are Never More Than Three Feet Away From a Spider

This specific myth originates from a 1995 article in which archaeologist Norman Platnick said that a spider is mere yards away at the moment the reader reads his words, indicating that people are never too far from spiders. Even though there is some truth to the statement that spiders are more common and present than you’d think, this phrase has been proven to be an exaggeration.

4. People Swallow Spiders in Their Sleep

Another widespread rumor about spiders that spread across the internet is the myth that you regularly swallow spiders during your sleep. According to Snopes, this is nothing more than an absurd thing people have liked to spread since the beginning of the World Wide Web. Even though it has been proven false, that didn’t stop this spider myth from sneaking its way into real-life conversations.

5. Spiders Are Easy To Identify

While spotting a spider is one thing, determining what kind of spider you have in your home is an entirely different process. It takes a true professional to accurately identify the exact type of spider without getting into harm’s way. This is one of the many factors that differentiates home procedures from professional pest control services.

Get the Best Spider Control Services Through Dewey Pest and Termite Control

Are you dealing with a spider infestation in your house too real to be a myth? Turn to Dewey Pest and Termite Control for help! For over 95 years, our expert team of technicians has been removing spider infestations, big and small, from homes and businesses across California. Don’t wait. Get your free quote on California spider control by finding your nearest service office or contacting us online now!

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